Float the Boat


Activity: Students will design and test their own boat. Students may complete the Student Journal document to record their experiment.


K.ETS1.1 Engineering Design

1) Ask and answer questions about the scientific world and gather information using the senses.

1.ETS1.1 Engineering Design

1) Solve scientific problems by asking testable questions, making short term and long term observations, and gathering information.

Flying: Past, Present & Future


Classify and sort airplanes using past, present, future. Design an airplane of the future.


K.24 Use correct words and phrases related to chronology and time (now, long ago, before, after; morning, afternoon, night; today, tomorrow, yesterday, last or next week, month, year; and present, past, and future tenses of verbs).

K.27 Use correct words and phrases related to chronology and time (now, long ago, before, after; morning, afternoon, night; today, tomorrow, yesterday, last or next week, month, year; and present, past, and future tenses of verbs).

1.37 Interpret information presented in picture timelines to show the sequence of events and distinguish between past, present, and future.

Measuring Flight


Create a straw glider and measure the length of flight.


K.ETS2 Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society

1) Use appropriate tools (magnifying glass, basic balance scale) to make observations and answer testable scientific questions.

1.ETS2 Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society

1) Use appropriate tools (magnifying glass, basic balance scale) to make observations and answer testable scientific questions.

1.MD.A.2 Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.

2) Measure the length of an object using non-standard units and express this link as a whole number.

Design a Parachute


Students will design and test a parachute.



Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society

1) Use appropriate tools (magnifying glass, basic balance scale) to make observations and answer testable scientific questions.

1.ETS2 Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society

1) Use appropriate tools (magnifying glass, basic balance scale) to make observations and answer testable scientific questions.

Amelia Earhart:

Woman of Courage


Read and discuss the courage of Amelia Earhart. Discuss ways to show courage.



1RI.IKI.7 – Either orally or in writing when appropriate, use the illustrations and words in a text to describe its key ideas.